The spire of the Saint-Denis basilica will be rebuilt

While the work to rebuild the spire of the Saint-Denis basilica must begin next autumn, the mayor of the city announces that the general public will be able to sponsor a stone from 15 euros to contribute to this reconstruction.

After Notre-Dame de Paris, it is the turn of the basilica of Saint-Denis to see its spire rebuilt.

Last February, the spire of Notre-Dame de Paris, destroyed during a fire in 2019, reappeared in the Paris sky to be ready for the Paris Olympics.

In Saint-Denis, no fire, but spire dismantled in 1847 after being weakened by a succession of stormsand which later disappeared.

Almost 180 years later, work will begin rebuild identically the Gothic spire, which should be delivered by autumn 2029.

15,000 stones to sponsor

To finance the work, which amounts to 37 million euros, the PS mayor of Saint-Denis, Mathieu Hanotin, is banking on public patronage.

The “Follow the Flèche” association thus imagined a fundraiser allowing the general public the virtual purchase of one of the 15,000 stones that will make up the tower and spire.

We wanted the question of money not to be the blocking factor to be able to participate. », explained the mayor.

fact, it will take only 15 euros to start investing in the stones of the basilicabut the most exceptional parts will require a sponsorship of at least 1,500 euros.

Everyone will be able to choose a stone on the 3D modeling of the building. In return, each donor will receive a digital copy of their stone with a certificate, NFT, and will be able to follow their progress on the construction site live.

The goal: to achieve to collect between 3.5 and 5 million euros.

The more money we have, the more stones we will be able to cut on site, which will allow us to multiply educational activities. », emphasized Mathieu Hanotin.

37 million euros needed to rebuild the spire

22 million euros will also be paid from the interdepartmental solidarity fund for investment, 5 million from the Île-de-France region, and 4 million from the Greater Paris Metropolis.

To realize that of the 37 million euros of work, 10 million will be used for the temporary museumplanned at the foot of the basilica, which should be open to the public from March 2025.

Within this museum, around fifty craftsmen will be present to present the professions of heritage restoration to the general public. The history of the basilica will also be presented, especially thanks to the support of virtual reality.

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