The obsessions of entrepreneurs and business leaders

Entrepreneurs and business leaders are often distinguished by their eccentric habits and sometimes baffling obsessions. Every aspect of their daily life is steeped in extraordinary rituals and very particular customs. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of these entrepreneurial obsessions. They may seem strange to outside observers. However, they play a role in the dynamics of leadership and productivity.

From copious amounts of coffee to framed to-do lists and meticulous adjustments in front of the mirror, each tic reveals an aspect of the personality and way of working of these visionary leaders. While some may see these obsessions as pointless quirks, others will find them a source of inspiration and motivation.

Coffee, fuel for creativity

For many entrepreneurs, the day doesn’t start until the first sip of coffee takes effect. Some managers have even installed coffee fountains in their offices. They have transformed their premises into veritable temples of caffeine. They say some meetings go better when the attendees look like they just survived an attack of coffee grounds.

Tip from the head barista: Good coffee is the key to success, but a well-maintained coffee machine is the holy grail.

The mirror, my beautiful mirror

When you are the brains of a company, it is important to present yourself to the world in your best light. Entrepreneurs sometimes spend more time adjusting their tie or applying hair gel than studying financial reports. Mirrors have become trusted advisors, providing fashion advice even before the first meeting of the day.

Personal Stylist Tip: Why worry about the bottom line when you can worry about the tie that goes with the suit?

The to-do list, bible of leaders

The to-do list is the holy grail of entrepreneurs. They write it in the morning, edit it in the afternoon, rewrite it in the evening, and even rethink it at night. Some leaders even go so far as to frame their to-do list when they have completed all the tasks. Nothing makes an entrepreneur cringe like a box being ticked.

Note for beginners: if you haven’t added “drinking water” to your to-do list, you’re not a true entrepreneur yet.

The office, sanctuary of productivity

An entrepreneur’s office is a sacred place. Administrators spend hours setting up their workspace. They add high-tech gadgets, houseplants, and sometimes even a discreet nap. Some entrepreneurs consider their office a playground A place where creativity can flourish, and revolutionary ideas are born between two piles of documents.

Tip from the feng shui guru: A houseplant not only provides oxygen, it also adds a touch of zen to your marketing strategies.

The meeting, an Olympic event

Entrepreneurs have turned meetings into a fierce competition to see who can stay awake the longest. Some leaders even introduced leaderboards based on the amount of coffee consumed and the number of times someone said “pivot” during a meeting. The podium is reserved for those who manage to stay focused for more than five minutes.

Dating Champion Tip: If you don’t have anything smart to say, say it with conviction.

The obsessions of entrepreneurs and business leaders may seem eccentric, but perhaps that is what makes them so exceptional. So whether you’re obsessed with coffee, mirrors or the to-do list, remember, it may be the key to success—or at least an excuse for another cup of coffee.

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