Deep Cuts: a horror VR shooter in the world of cinema revealed in video

Deep Cuts: a horror VR shooter in the world of cinema revealed in video

The programmer Scythe Dev Team and the editor tinyBuild already launched several games together, such as Happy’s Humble Burger Farm, Happy’s Humble Burger Barn And Return to Northbury Grovebut this week they reveal their next title: Deep Cuts, shooting VR which will immerse us in the world of cinema, with a lot of horror. … Read more

Metal: Hellsinger VR, far release period, but some players can already try it!

Metal: Hellsinger VR, far release period, but some players can already try it!

Launched in September 2022 on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, then ported to PS4 and Xbox One, Metal: Hellsinger will soon be entitled to a virtual reality version. Funcom announced the good news last March, making it official Lab42 Games to the development of portage. The studios are back today with new information. … Read more