Inauguration of the Village of Athletes | Archi

Started before the entry into force of RE 2020, the project led by the Delivery Company of Olympic Works immediately presented itself as a full-scale opportunity to test “the post-carbon city”, having to respond to the The goal set by Nicolas Ferrand, executive general director of Solideo, of “45 % reduction in the carbon impact during the entire life cycle of buildings compared to traditional operation”.

September 2017, Paris wins the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, a centerpiece in the organization of the event (270,000 m2 of floor space built to host 14,500 athletes and their staff during the Games, and 9,000 athletes and their staff during the Paralympic Games. Games) is then planned on industrial land in the north of the capital. More than fifty hectares straddling three municipalities, Saint-Denis, Saint-Ouen, L’Ile-Saint-Denis, which a second construction phase called “Heritage” will transform this time into a real small town including residences, offices, shops and public facilities. The reversibility of this project – 75% of the removed elements will be reused – makes it a pioneer of its kind.

Under the leadership of the architect Dominique Perrault, who is the main urban planner, the project is large-scale and is spread over four large urban pieces described as “ships” with the aim of reconnecting the city to its river: the “Fluvial Ecodistrict”. ” in the commune of L’Ile-Saint-Denis, “Universeine” (sector A and B) in Saint-Denis, “Les Quinconces” (sector D) and “Les Belvédères et Villas” (sector E) in Saint-Ouen. The asymmetric morphology of the mass plan includes tall buildings (R+9, R+10) in the north, and lower buildings (R+5, R+6) in the south to promote sunshine, while plots are placed on active bases around . the hearts of vegetated islets. A total of 6 hectares of green spaces are planned, including a public park in the center of the Village.

File to be found in issue 406 of Architectures Cree
as well as an interview with Christophe Ouhayounfounding partner of KOZ ARCHITECTES, architectural coordinator (Les Villas) and technician and architect for lots E2-A and E4 of the Village.

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