AI features to help you improve text

Artificial intelligence: this is a term that has recently entered our lives. However, tools based on this algorithm technology have existed for a long time. You only need to think about Word’s spell checker to see that the idea of ​​improving your text has come a long way.

In modern life, it is essential to make a good impression, especially if you are talking to a serious company that cares about the reputation of its employees. We don’t think about it enough, but an email full of mistakes will reflect poorly on you and your business. For others, it is simply a matter of learning to write without mistakes, in correct French.

Several months ago, many people discovered ChatGPT and were amazed at the potential of this tool. It was easy to imitate a person’s style in order to create a text that resembled – near or far – a kind of relatively well-written pastiche. However, the program has its limitations. When it comes to writing, it’s up to you to find your own style.

Spelling and grammar correction

Unfortunately, we are not all Victor Hugo, and our prose often seems very bland compared to the great authors. However, there are many tools like Quillbot that allow you to reformulate text using AI. These tools can be paid or free, like Language Tool, but the result is always the same: to have the opportunity to write a text that is clear, concise and pleasant to read in all circumstances.

Imagine for a second: you are a person for whom French is not their first language, and you need to write a text quickly to get hired. The French language is very rich and harmonious, but there is something to be lost in this turmoil of grammatical rules and exceptions. The gender of nouns is also a recurring problem for non-native French speakers.

We emphasize even more the effectiveness of a tool like Scribbr, a spelling and grammar checker that spots the smallest French mistakes and corrects them immediately. Sometimes it’s all the details, with a misplaced accent, a missing cedar or an unnecessary comma: your style of French will be harshly judged by native French people – who themselves make basic grammar mistakes! For that, you deserve a more efficient proofreader than those built into word processing.

Style hint

Again, you probably won’t have the style of Balzac’s letters, and you have tools that allow you to give your prose a certain character. In many cases, the AI ​​gives you keys to rephrase a sentence that’s a bit too long or too bombastic. Sometimes, this same AI eliminates repetition and awkwardness.

The result is a more concise test, with a message that goes straight to the mind of its recipient. No need to launch into fiery missives. In this age where everything moves very fast, you need to send your ideas effectively.

Finding a literary style also applies to your longer, more ambitious works, such as academic essays or articles. Of course, you don’t write an academic paper like you write an acceptance speech. AI can help you find the perfect style for your text. IF you’re really out of inspiration, these types of tools can suggest style options.

Suggested readability

To enhance text with AI, your app will likely suggest style elements. Why not start an article with a good quote, or even stress certain words to give rhythm to the text?

Tools based on artificial intelligence offer a new way of thinking about text. A bit like Ernest Hemingway, AI prefers short sentences, with very clear and concise punctuation. AI, by nature, doesn’t like fluff like unnecessary adjectives. They will give you ideas to transform your text. The idea is not to distort your statement by simplifying it, but just to polish your text by offering new substance.

Suggested readability

Suggested readability

Vocabulary improvement

Antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, metaphors or even understatements: we can say that the French language does not lack the resources and polish to express a simple idea! If some of the words mentioned above are unfamiliar to you, know that you are not alone. The literary figures of speech we learned in French class are often distant memories. However, we use them every day.

Some tools to improve the written language want to offer you an even bigger vocabulary. This applies to technical terms such as popular science, or even to familiar words that make up our spoken French today.

Knowing that the French Academy welcomes hundreds of words borrowed from everyday language every year, there is a lot to do with French. Enhancement tools can only benefit you if you are looking for the most natural and up-to-date written French.

SEO optimization and keyword research

If this request is more specific to internet marketing, SEO optimization is a crucial element for publications on the internet. It is then about writing a text that will be easily found by search engines, in order to get as much visibility as possible.

Today, AI is perfectly capable of dissecting your text in seconds to find out how many times a specific word appears. This AI can also make statistics on the repetition of some of them. The goal is to alert a search engine to the presence of these words to make the article even more viral.

SEO optimization tools are generally available for free. They constitute the lifeblood of the online press, and they are also useful in other areas, especially sciences and online shopping.

Tools to detect AI: things to know

We get it: it’s easier than ever to get key text thanks to generative AI. A simple prompt can get you an article in seconds. On the other hand, professionals in all fields understand that many people abuse AI. Thus, AI detection tools entered the market.

These tools work with different precision. Typically, they dissect your text and compare it to the thousands of other similar texts on the web. Be careful, so it will be very easy to detect a piece of text completely written by AI. This doesn’t matter if you’re writing an email that’s a few paragraphs long. But beware of the consequences if you use the tool for work that requires personal style.

For people who work in the literary field, this is a real headache. Hence the need to refine your style and write your own sentences, even if it means using artificial intelligence to improve your work, and not create it from scratch.

My text looks like AI: what should I do?

Even more frustrating: you just wrote a text yourself, and you pass it through an AI detector that gives you a high score. To overcome this recurring problem, there are a number of methods. Be sure to shorten your sentences, speak in the first person plural or even address your interlocutors.

Personalizing text will therefore be the key to authentic impact. For better or worse, AI is still capable of detecting human work. Take advantage of these tools to improve your style and achieve your goals!

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